Title: Safe Haven (2013)
Starring: Julianne Hough, Josh Duhamel
Directed by: Lasse Hallstrom
As for someone who read the book, the movie just gave the right amount of justice to it. I praise Josh Duhamel a lot, not because of his very manly aura and hot bod (okay, aside from these two :p), but because he's so into character that he really convinced me as a real father to his kids. Same goes with Julianne Hough who I started to really like. She's so talented it makes my life so unfair. Haha. She's got the bod, the voice, the dancing skills, and could really act well. I also want to address Cobie Smulders' performance. And how I see her acting so stunning. I haven't seen her in films like this (well, The Avengers doesn't count) so this was all new to me. Way to go, Robin Sparkles! :p