Let's help.

Earth Hour 2011 last 26th of March.

Yes! I have my laptop and router turned on. :-D It's another Earth Hour success, indeed. Cheers to that. I hope more people will participate for the next Earth Hour and the years to come. Turning off the lights for 60 minutes would mean a lot to Mother Earth. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to pause everything for a while and cooperate in this meaningful project. :-)


One of the most-anticipated events of every student has already happened. It was relieving. After all the sacrifices, hard work does really pay off. My parents couldn't be any more proud. And me, who made this far, will be forever gratified. :-)

I've been saying this a lot recently, and I will say it again — Thank you! To my parents who supported me all throughout my student life, let me return all the favor when I get a job (soon!). To my friends, Team XV, who never let me down, I will always keep you, guys. To my professors and instructors, thank you for all the learning. I may have been brat to some of you, but I am really thankful. To my Alma Mater, you'll always be in my heart. I promise to carry your name chasing my greatest goals. Last, but definitely not the least, my deepest gratitude to the Lord, our God, who provided me with everything and never fails me.

Just like the fireworks, life is beautiful.

Photos taken by Joyce Mata

Sonny With A Chance

I just finished my Sonny With A Chance marathon this very moment and I already miss the show! Sonny and Chad, especially. They're so adooooooorable together! :3 This video, by the way, was from the season finale, New Girl, and I'm hoping it wouldn't be the last, now that Demi's back from rehab. I'm so happy for her. :-)

Demi Lovato, a.k.a Sonny Munroe, performing "What To Do" :-) Oh, I just love this song!

Video embedded from YouTube

The Little Rascals (1994)

Title: The Little Rascals (1994)
Starring:  Bug Hall, Travis Tedford, Brittany Ashton Holmes, Kevin Jamal Woods, Zachary Mabry
Directed by: Penelope Spheeris

One of the leads, Alfalfa, played by Bug Hall  (American Pie Presents: Book of Love), was the awkward one. He will do anything for Darla, her love interest, and will risk anything to save his friendship with Spanky, the president of their so-called “He-Man Woman Haters Club”. They have set club rules and even owned a clubhouse, not until Alfalfa and Darla sort of ruined it. Now, Alfalfa has to make up for what he did and definitely has lots of explaining to do.